Thursday, March 14, 2013

"They Tell Me there is More to Life than just what I can See" ("Believe" Brooks and Dunn)

Thank you for your patience.  Physics has taken over my life : )  I will post a new blog soon.  By the way, I have an A in the class at the half way point.  Next exam is Thursday, March 21. 

For those of you who are acquainted with me;  I  have learned the importance of neatness.  (I used to like to write figures - computations -  all over a page with no visible pattern.)  I had no problem writing numbers in a circle or listing them on opposite corners of a page to the annoyance of my math friends.  There is hope; I have discovered the significance of neat columns.  Answers to complicated formula get screwed up with my old artistic method. And, my professor refuses to grade a paper that is not orderly and completed in proper form.  I like this.  In the past, I am sorry to admit, I argued my need for personal expression when defending my sloppy, numerical notes.  I concede.

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